
Awwal Blog Theme - Changelog

Created By Awwal Team
Last Modified on: 23 Jul, 2024
February 17, 2024

New additions 

  • Added new eBook Landing page
  • Added new Minimal eBook Landing page
  • Added a Thank you page

January 16, 2024
  • Added an ability to change the color of the Search Icon in Theme Settings
  • Fixed a bug that caused the jQuery path to break
  • Blog post page > Sticky bar toggle > Changed the wording for clarity

January 06, 2024
  • Added date format options in the theme options
  • Blog Post page > Made this module global (Next Post, Previous Post, View All Posts)
  • Added an ability to change the color of the Hamburger menu Icon in Theme Settings


December 21, 2023

1. Features Card module update

    • Adjusted the location of some fields to enhance the overall flow.
    • Added backup image path.
    • Fixed a small bug related to changing icons (Icons path was breaking)
    • Added custom color options for icons container.
    • Modified the wording for the custom icons option for clarity.


2. Multi-language Language Switcher

  • Added a language switcher to the navigation bar.
  • Added option to hide the language switcher from theme options.


August 30, 2023
1. Ability to update additional texts on the Search results page
    • Added a text field to update the title "Search result for"
    • Added a text field to update the error message "Sorry. There are no results for"
    • Added a text field to update the help message "Try rewording your query, or browse through our site"
2. Updated the error message style a bit, made it more compact.

August 08, 2023

In this quick update we've made it easier to update Labels and Placeholders texts. 

  • Listing page: Added an ability to change texts from the content editor ("By" and "On")
  • Listing page > Topic bar: "Select a topic", "All" & Search placeholder texts are now editable from content editor
  • Post page: Added an ability to change texts from the content editor ("By" and "On")
  • Post page > Sidebar: "Popular" "Recent" & "Archive" texts are now editable from content editor
  • Post page > Related Posts: "Continue reading" call to action is not editable
  • Post page > Sidebar: Search placeholder text is now editable from content editor

May 20, 2023

Secondary Header update (For Landing Pages)

  • Created a separate header module for Landing Pages
  • Added more refined 'hide/show element' toggles


  • Fixed an issue related to module text field that wasn't updating the text (Blog Post > Back to Blog text)

April 18, 2023

V1 launched

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